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The Law Offices of Steven H. Peck, Ltd.

My Sibling Took My Mom to a Lawyer to Change Her Will a Month Before She Died

There’s nothing easy about coping with the emotional strain of helping an aging and infirm parent. Of course you want to be there for them in any way you can and make their final days as pain-free and serene as can be. However, adult-age children can also be dealing with unexpected stress from their siblings and other family members regarding inheritance.
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The Law Offices of Steven H. Peck, Ltd.

How to Handle Creditors’ Claims as an Executor or Trustee

As an executor or trustee of an estate, it is your responsibility to handle the creditors’ claims process. This includes notifying potential claimants, paying valid claims, and ordering the payment of expenses and claims.  If you were appointed to serve as a trustee or executor of an estate, attorney Steven H. Peck can provide guidance on the best practices for handling creditors’ claims and help ensure that you fulfill your fiduciary duty to the estate and its beneficiaries.
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The Law Offices of Steven H. Peck, Ltd.

Dispelling Estate Planning Myths

Creating a detailed estate plan allows you to protect your assets, loved ones, and investments and plan for future uncertainties. However, many people are unsure about how estate planning works or believe that it is only for individuals with numerous assets.
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The Law Offices of Steven H. Peck, Ltd.

Estate Planning for Young Adults

For many young people, establishing an estate plan isn't a priority. Nonetheless, young adults aren't invincible. As your begin building your career, starting a family, buying your first home, paying off student loans, making investments, or experiencing other major life events, you might consider creating an estate plan.
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The Law Offices of Steven H. Peck, Ltd.

Estate Planning Checklist: What to Consider Before You Start

Estate planning is a vital step for anyone who wants to protect their loved ones and ensure that their assets are looked after. Drafting a comprehensive estate plan involves assessing your current financial situation, your future needs, and the needs of your beneficiaries.
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